The family

In the Farmhouse Belvedere the family Peak is handed down of generation in generation the experience and the love for the earth, producing the good Italian rice and the best risottis for the whole family.  

Farmhouse Belvedere follows all the passages of the production of the rice, from the field to the table. In this way we bring in every house taste and genuineness.

Our history

Our history originated more than one century ago and it is based on people and passion, as every great venture.

Eusebio Picco, son of rice farmers, and his wife Marianna moved from Asigliano Vercellese to San Genuario in 1878.

The Pianura Padana Vercellese agricultural land, where water is abundant, has been a perfect ground to hand down the respect for the earth and the art of rice cultivation from generation to generation.It is in 1925 that the Picco family moved to BianzË, to cultivate rice in the Cascina Torrone.

In 1935 Benedetto Picco, the fifth one of the eleven children, took in the management of Cascina Belvedere, and, alike the previous generations, he also handed down his art and passion for rice to Eusebio, the first born. A new chapter opened for the Picco family, who never moved from Cascina Belvedere again.

Benedetto and Gianmario follow their fatherly tracks by continuing the farming and developping the company with the aim of achieving and mantaining quality. Together with the classic production of rice, they introduce the replication of seeds, and are awarded various prizes for the quality and purity of the achieved selection.

Their passion inspires them to work for the welfare of their land, beginning to convert the rice fields to the organic production. At the end of the last century Gianluca and Massimo Picco, children of Benedetto and Mariacarla, decide to sell their rice directly to the public, without having it milled by other companies, to be able to offer a pure product, controlled in each phase of production.

The brand Cascina Belvedere had its origin then and it is synonym of quality and genuin product, in harmony with nature.

Cascina Belvedere uses cultivation methods that respect the earth, the animals, the air and the water. The same level of care is used to research the quality for the product, with the intent of offering genuin and very tasty products to the public.

The Picco's philosofy

Our mission is to spread the culture of the rice and the risotto in the world, respecting the traditions and the environment, but setting continuous innovations that suit the demands of the modern consumer.

What do we believe?

  • Integrity

    We are committed, we respect the laws and the regulations and we are direct in our communications.

  • Continuous improvement

    We strive to always improve ourselves by trying to create new, healthier and savory products to offer the maximum enjoyment to our clients.

  • Respect for the environment

    Cascina Belvedere is careful in operating for the safeguard of the environment in a territory which is turned to the repopulation of the local fauna with its own fishing reserve. The daily respect for the environment and the use of traditional methods of cultivation result in added value to our fields and their certified organic production.A recent addition to the farm is the 50 KWH photovoltaic system.

  • Research

    Cascina Belvedere coooperates with the main Italian seed companies. The research is also developped through experimental crop tests in the fields. Besides Cascina Belvedere holds a field which is used to experiment the production of new verieties of paddy rice.
